Saturday, December 11, 2010

Death of The Web

There has been a lot of speculation about the death of the web due to the effects if capitalism and a large consumer market (which is producing new technology daily). "A decade ago, the ascent of the Web browser as the center of the computing world appeared inevitable. It seemed just a matter of time before the Web replaced PC application software and reduced operating systems to a “poorly debugged set of device drivers,” as Netscape cofounder Marc Andreessen famously said. First Java, then Flash, then Ajax, then HTML5 — increasingly interactive online code — promised to put all apps in the cloud and replace the desktop with the webtop. Open, free, and out of control." (Wired) Despite recent research about this dramatic change, I could not disagree more I believe we still use the web for everything. We might have adopted Ipads and Iphones but we still use the Internet on them.

2012 is when the Internet will end - Part 2

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Utilizing Facebook

One of the positive uses for Facebook is its use to promote causes through statuses recently. Facebook has such a large following that these movements for awareness really do make a large impact and spread the word to millions of teenagers, that ordinarily would not know anything about these significant dates. A few months ago Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Association was asking people to make your status "I like it on ______" to spread awareness and gain support for their important cause. Almost every girls status on Facebook contained these personalized phrases. Another cause is just around the corner.

"Change your FB profile picture to a cartoon from your childhood. The goal? To not see a human face on FB till Monday, December 6th. Join the fight against child abuse. Copy & paste to your status to invite your friends to do the same!"

This movement is to show a large outpouring of young people that are interested in spreading awareness for certain social issues. This is a smart idea because young people often do not vocalize nor get involved with social issues that one day are going to largely impact our lives even more. Young voters could also be more involved in the elections, considering they are able to vote and do not take advantage of the opportunity that our parents consider a privilege. This is our generation's way of being involved and vocal about our ideas. Hopefully this type of awareness will lead to our generation into becoming more involved in media, social issues, and politics in the future.